Video Banners
Discover the power of exceptional advertising
x68 cheaper comparison to a quick in-house solution
Assume a banner is located on homepage with 1M daily page views:
Quick in-house solution:
- take existed video (Example: 49s, 24.5MB)
- upload the video to AWS S3. Traffic: ~0.09 USD/GB
- client-side: add muted video + autoplay
1M/day * 30 days = 30M/month requests
30M/month * 24.5MB = ~ 700'000 GB traffic
700'000 GB * 0.09 USD => 63'000 USD/month
- prepare the video: 24.5MB -> ~5MB
- remove sound
- create different resolutions for different screens (avg size: 800px)
- traffic price: 0.05 USD/GB
- client-side: use lazy loading (~ x8 less requests), use different sizes
30M/month / 8 = 3.75M/month requests
3.75M * 5MB => 18'500 GB traffic
18'500 GB * 0.05 USD => 925 USD/month
Real customer results:
~20 USD/1M page views (~600 USD/month)