Video Banners Integration

<script class="acm_ads_config" type="application/json"> { "action": { "text": "[ACTION TEXT]", "url": "[ACTION URL]" }, "background": { "bid": "[BANNER ID]", "blur": 0, "img": { "lg": "[LARGE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URL]", "sm": "[SMALL_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URL]" }, "video": { "src": "[PROGRESSIVE_VIDEO_URL]" } }, "bid": "[BANNER ID]", "height": 320, "sponsored": { "logo": "[AD_LOGO_IMAGE]", "text": "Sponsored Content" }, "text": "[TEXT]", "title": "[TITLE]", "video": { "ratio": "5:2", "src": "[PROGRESSIVE_VIDEO_URL]" } } </script>


"action": { ... } - banner action block: link, button
"action": { "text": ... } - button title
"action": { "url": ... } - banner link

"background": { ... } - banner background block

"bid" - banner ID
The field can be used instead of "video.src"

"height" - custom banner height






Only background video (no action URL, no text/title)

Usage: as a part of UI (i.e. article video header, video slide, etc)

<script class="acm_ads_config" type="application/json"> { "background": { "bid": "[BANNER ID]" } } </script>

Background video banner

Usage: as a typical banner: background video + link + text

<script class="acm_ads_config" type="application/json"> { "action": { "text": "[ACTION TEXT]", "url": "[ACTION URL]" }, "background": { "bid": "[BANNER ID]" }, "text": "[TEXT]", "title": "[TITLE]" } </script>

Background video + small video

<script class="acm_ads_config" type="application/json"> { "action": { "text": "[ACTION TEXT]", "url": "[ACTION URL]" }, "background": { "bid": "[BANNER ID]" }, "bid": "[BANNER ID]", "sponsored": { "logo": "[AD_LOGO_IMAGE]", "text": "Sponsored Content" }, "text": "[TEXT]", "title": "[TITLE]" } </script>